About this blog

I’ve been wanting to start a blog for some time now but I don’t want this to be just any blog.  I really hope this can be an opportunity for a conversation, a chance to meet new people, a way to share advice…basically I hope this turns into much more than just a boring blog about how hard it is to raise two kids and what I cooked for dinner last night! There will be plenty of time for that too :)

So I’m asking you to create this blog with me! Of course I can’t wait to hear about your kids (and hopefully how much they love The Good Night Show) but I also want to hear your advice and your experiences and if you have a question…ask it! Maybe I can help or someone else in our little community can.   I especially hope we can help each other get through this thing called life with a big smile on our faces!

I’ll tell you a little about myself and don’t be shy…you tell me a little about yourself too!

First and foremost I’m mama to 2 little girls – Gia 2 1/2 and Bianca 7 months, wife and partner to Poncho for almost 15 years, and actress/host of The Good Night Show on Sprout. It’s quite an adventure trying to keep up with these 2 while attempting to get settled in to a new home!  One of my favorite things in the world is hearing my girls laugh so hard they start to hiccup!  My second favorite is probably when they both nap at the same time!! LOL!  A few more things you should know: I try not to take myself too seriously, I love to find the humor in all things, I procrastinate too much, and I have a terrible memory.  OK there’s so much more to share, but if I said it all now there wouldn’t be anything to blog about tomorrow (or next week.  Remember what I said about procrastinating!)



11 thoughts on “About this blog

  1. So great that you’re doing this Michele … wish I had done this when Ry was growing up. Such great memories. Have you ever seen this:

    Let’s chat this week – I’d love to catch up by phone!


  2. Michele! I just stumbled upon your blog! You are amazing! My 2 year old and 7 months old love watching you and star! I also have a blog and I am so excited when I read some of your posts! I can’t wait to exchange ideas with you and other moms! Thanks!

  3. We love the Goodnight Show! With Nina of course, you are so genuine even if you have to repeat the same things every night. We always end our night with you singing:)

  4. Guilty on all counts as well. … trying not to take myself too seriously, finding or creating laughter in all facets of life as well as procrastination. Our two girls, now 4 an 6 have followed your show sine day one in our house. It is an EVERY day ritual, as mommy claims its time for Caliou, put on your jammies and they all rush to the TV screen to watch you and Star. You do a great job!

  5. I just wanted to take the time to say thank you so much for your involvement with Sprout and your blog… my daughter is 11 months and absolutely loves watching you on tv. You have been a blessing to the Hispanic community in that you represent such a great and positive image — thank you!

    Wishing you much happiness and success in all you do… God Bless!

  6. I have a 11 year old, 9 year old and a 15 month old. We watched the good night show all the time when my 9 year old was little. Well when we had our newest addition, we were back to watching sprout. We turned it on one night before her bedtime and saw you and star! We were so excited that we are able to enjoy your show again with our new little one. Every night we put her to bed, she turns on the tv and asks for the good night show with you and star. We let her watch 5 minutes then off to bed she goes. Thank you for being such a big part of our lives for so many years 🙂

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