Good Night Show Update!

First off, THANK YOU to all the loyal Good Night Show fans whose love for the show has led you to follow and support me!

I couldn’t be more proud of those 10 years I got to bring Nina to life, and am honored to have been invited into your homes night after night! It is truly a privilege. Being a mom of 2 littles, I know how special and intimate that nighttime snuggle is. The fact that millions of you included Star and Me (and our pals Hush and Lucy!) into that safe space is more than I could have ever hoped for.

Some of you have children who no longer watch, but many have had new babies along the way and still tune in. You have noticed that the show is no longer airing on TV in its traditional format, because, as with everything (including our children!), the network is growing and evolving. Fortunately, this is NOT a good-bye!

Sprout is in the process of moving full Good Night Show episodes to their On Demand menu. This is seriously a dream come true for me, and hopefully for you as well! Now you can determine when exactly you want to snuggle up on the couch and watch your favorite segments of GNS before it’s time to wrap up your bedtime routine.

Keep in mind that Nina’s World will remain right where it’s at – and, in case you hadn’t heard, we have been green-lit for a second season and are working hard on bringing new episodes to life!

I remain humbled by your love and support!







31 thoughts on “Good Night Show Update!

    1. Sometimes the only thing you can count on is change….ugh! BUT I couldn’t be happier about this decision to put episodes On Demand. I feel like this gives families the power to define their own nighttime routines and STILL include the Good Night Show 🙂 Thank YOU for commenting!

  1. So very happy the GNS will be on demand. My now four yr old son has been listening and watching since I brought him home at seven months. He thinks Nina sings “Twinkle twinkle Little Star” just for him! Thank you Michele, for your calm, happy demeanor on the show. We are thrilled and Xavier says “Twinkle, Twinkle Nina!.”

  2. We love watching your show and will follow you on Demand. My 3yr old grandson loves Nina’s World, so do I 😀

  3. Hi Michele, my name is Tom and I love watching you on Sprout.I did hear you all were going on demand which is great for little ones. I love you and the show best wishes

  4. Gah, what a bummer. 😦 I have to say though–you’re taking it waaaaaaaaaay better than I would. 🙂
    Hey, question:
    Does this new On Demand home mean that the episodes of GNS will eventually find their way to Itunes and Google Play? Gosh, I hope so. 🙂
    You were amaaaazing as Nina. I hope you know that/ 🙂 Good luck with Season 2 of Nina’s World and whatever’s next! 🙂

  5. My great nephew watched your show every night loved the exercise . He learned so much from your show getting ready for bed putting up his toys you are missed.

  6. So happy we can still find you! My sons and I wanted to reminisce and we tuned in and almost cried when Nina and Star weren’t there! We’ll look for you on On Demand. Thank you for MANY wonderful nights! We loved the comfort of your show! Good night!

    1. I’m so sorry the episodes aren’t there! I hear from so many fans that they still miss the show and I wish I could do more, but sadly it’s out of my hands. It was a very special experience for me as it was for so many kids as well.

  7. I don’t have any children but I have Aspergers and Schizophrenia, and it would help me quiet my mind so I could get to sleep and I was very upset that it was canceled. I’m sure you helped a lot of adults wind down and get ready for bed too. Thank you Michelle.

  8. Even though my children are growing, Sprout and the night programming was a way to wind down for them. My daughter even learned to sign “Hush, hush, little fish…”. We did stretches with you and even learned some Spanish (although my daughter was disappointed we never found pjs to match the children who stretched with you.)Today we were saddened to find that Sprout is no longer called Sprout and now touts a corporate name. Thank you, Michele (Nina) for being a loved part of our home for many years. I wish you much success and just wanted to let you know that you, Star, Hush and all of the Goodnight show characters were important to us!

  9. When will it be available to see? My son is 9 with classic autism. Since he hasnt been able to watch Nina goodnight show he has been obsessed. We watch clips on YouTube but he has been so upset he even cries when we watch the line up. He refused to believe it won’t be on and still tried to watch it on TV every day. I don’t even have direct TV buy if you guys make the show I’ll find a way to get it.

  10. I know I’m late but I gotta thankbyou. When I was a little girl I use to watch that show and looked up to you. I am now a teenager and I’m looking back on all the memories. You did really well with the show and I sometimes rewatch things just to bring back memories. Other times I rewatch because I have insomnia and you actually still help me sleep! I honestly don’t like how much sprout has changed removing you from the air but one amand is good because now People can see you anytime. I want to thank you for bringing Nina to life and being a part of my own bedtime routine when I was little. Thank you so much!

    1. Thank you so much Gabby!! It really makes my day to read your message 🙂 Check out my YouTube channel for more Good Night Show clips and some new things I’m working on. Sweet dreams!

    1. Hi Julia – I don’t think they will. they’ve definitely moved on and away from the good night show BUT Nina’s World is going strong! If you haven’t see it yet please check it out and let me know what you think. Season 2 will be launching as soon as we wrap production!

  11. Hi, Michelle: My grandchildren are half grown, so I came across the Goodnight Show myself, and I was so touched to listen to the beautiful music while Star and the other puppets snored. Is there any way I can just see that portion from time to time? Can it be bought?

  12. I’m so sad about this!! Nina and Miles were my absolute childhood- thank you so much for everything! ❤
    Even now at 18 years old I always remember the Good Night Show. Much love!

  13. I have been searching and looking for the channel in which I watch so many time with our first grandbaby , whose is now 13 years old, but this february our oldest daughter was blessed with twins (boy and a girl) so we been trying to find the sprout channel. So in my search I went to google and I find you there and find out why we could no find GNS. But good news we can now order on demand. Thank you for those 10 wonderful years, may all your dreams come true and blessed our little ones with your show. God bless!!

    1. So many great memories and I’m thrilled to be part of them! I’m sorry the show isn’t on every night like it used to be. I have so many parents reach out to me looking for episodes.

  14. Hi Michele Lepe I’m a fan of the show nina and star from the Good night show from channel sprout And I’m A special needs child that has a seizure disorder and Epilepsy and for the second time this year of March on the 14th at Seattle children’s hospital I’m going to have another Epileptic Epilepsy Surgery and I really really want to meet you because I love love you Michele Lepe From nina and star from the Good night show

  15. And I grew up with that show to I started watching the tv show when I was only 18moth old and now I’m 18 now and I still love it and love you

  16. Hello Michele! I just wanted to let you know that you were one of the best memories of my childhood. I am now 18 years old and was looking back on videos of The Goodnight Show I used to watch when I was around I’d say 7 years old. Thank you so much for the amazing memories Nina and Star lulled me to sleep with every night. You mean the world to me, thank you again. I cry looking back at them sometimes because those were amazing times. If you see this, I just wanted to say thank you, so much, for being my safe place as a child. I Love You, Star, and everyone at Sprout ❤

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